The Combat Net Radio (High Frequency), or CNR(HF), is used for guard nets, special tasks, and long-range communications. It uses an external crypto device, and can be deployed as a manpack or mounted in a vehicle.

The CNR(HF) is a self-contained, portable unit with built-in antenna coupler and power amplifier assemblies. All radio system commands are entered through the front panel.


RT-1694 Receiver-Transmitter

Frequency Range: 1.6 to 59.9999 MHz
Preset Channels: 100
Frequency Stability: ± 1 x 10-6
RF Input/Output Impedance: 50 ohms nominal, unbalanced
Power Input: +24 Vdc
Data Interfaces: Synchronous and Asynchronous RS-232C and MIL-STD-188-114A
Temperature Range: -40ºC to +70ºC

Physical Characteristics:
Length: 264 mm
Height: 78 mm
Depth: 216 mm (CNRHF only)
Depth: 338 mm (with battery case)
Weight: 3.86 kg (CNRHF only)
Weight: 7.71 kg (with case and two Ni-Cd batteries)

Receiver Characteristics:
Audio Output: 15 mW at 1000 ohms into external handset
Squelch: Front panel selectable, noise or 150 Hz tone (FM) or RWAS (High Frequency [HF] SSB)
Image and IF Rejection: Greater than 80 dB
Spurious Responses: Less than 10 spurs greater than -90 dBm equivalent input; fewer than 500 spurs are greater than -120 dBm equivalent input
AGC Characteristics: Mode dependent, selectable from front panel
Overload Protection: Receiver protected to 70 Vrms

Receiver Sensitivity:
Single Sideband (SSB): -110 dBm (0.7 uV) for 10 dB SINAD (2.7 kHz bandwidth)
AM: -98 dBm (2.8 uV) for 10 dB SINAD (6 kHz bandwidth 30% modulation)
CW: -117 dBm (0.3 uV) for 10 dB (S+N)/N (0.35 kHz bandwidth)
FM: -107 dBm (1.0 uV) for 10 dB SINAD

Power Output SSB, CW, AME: 1, 5, 20 watts PEP/Average
Power Output FM: 1, 5, 10 watts
Carrier Suppression: Greater than 60 dB below PEP output (J3E mode)
Undesired Sideband Rejection: Greater than 60 dB below PEP output
Intermodulation Distortion (1.6 - 29.9999 MHz): -24 dBc minimum
Intermodulation Distortion (30.0 - 59.9999 MHz): -18 dBc minimum
Audio Input (Handset): 1.5 m Vrms into 150 ohms
Audio Input (Fixed Level): 0.774 Vrms into 600 ohms

Modes of Operation:
J3E: (single sideband, upper or lower, suppressed carrier telephony)
H3E: (compatible Amplitude Modulation [AM] single sideband plus full carrier)
J2A: (Continuous Wave [CW] single sideband suppressed carrier)
F3E: (Frequency Modulation [FM] telephony)

Antenna Tuning Capability:
50-ohm output: 1.6 to 60 MHz
8, 10, 16-ft. whips: 1.6 to 60 MHz
AS-2259/GR (RF-1936): 3.5 to 30 MHz
RF-1940 Tactical Dipole: 3 to 30 MHz

Canadian Forces