The Long-Range Sniper Weapon provides snipers with a rifle that can deliver highly accurate fire against hard targets at ranges of up to 1800 meters. It is rugged and performs well under extreme climactic conditions. The rifle is a heavy-barrel, bolt action detachable box magazine-fed weapon with a five-shot capacity. The weapon was introduced in the fall of 2000.
Ammunition: Amax .50 cal match ball ammunition
Calibre: .50 cal
Magazine Capacity: 5 rounds
Weight: 11.8 kg
Length: 144.8 cm
Barrel Weight: 4.3 kg
Barrel Length: 73.6 cm
Scope Magnification: 16 power
Stock: Two-piece fibreglass with detachable butt stock and bipod stud
Operation: Bolt action, magazine fed
Entered Service: 2000