The LG 1 MARK II 105-MM HOWITZER is generally used to provide artillery fire support for light, highly mobile forces in Canada and abroad. Normally, it is pulled by a vehicle, such as a 2 ½ ton truck or a modified Grizzly. It can also be lifted by helicopter, dropped by parachute and transported by air. The LG1 is capable of engaging targets of up to 19 km away.

The use of 28 LG 1 MARK II 105-MM HOWITZERs was acheived in November 1997. Each light infantry battalion of the regular forces now use 6 LG 1 MARK II 105-MM HOWITZERs.

105-mm Howitzer
Rate of Fire: 8 rounds/minute

Length: 6.7 m
Width: 4.1m
Height: about 3 m
Weight: 1.5 ton
Elevation: -84 to 1270 mils
Range of weapon: 18 km (full traverse capability)
Ammunition: 34 rounds on board storage
Engine: 8-cylinder diesel
Maximum speed: 490m/s
Range of operation: 355 km on road
Number in Service: 28