This fast, well-armed LAV III is a state-of-the-art troop carrier that will serve the needs of mounted infantry well into the new century. The vehicle is well protected and can be used day and night, in all weather conditions, in battlefield smoke and on most types of terrain. Capable of speeds of up to 100 kilometres per hour on roads, the LAV III will give the commander many more options in both combat and non-combat situations. For example the commander may choose to keep the troops mounted and protected while using the 25-mm stabilized cannon — an option not available in the past. The driver and the commander have display terminals for the Tactical Navigation System (TACNAV), as well as thermal viewers. The TACNAV links a Global Positioning System (GPS) with a digital magnetic compass and laser range finder. Good anti-mine performance and an automatic fire and explosion suppression system provide additional safety for the crew. When used as an infantry section carrier, the LAV III deploys with a vehicle commander, a gunner, a driver and seven infantry soldiers. When deployed as a Tactical Command Post, it carries six soldiers. Three other variants are being procured including a Forward Observation Officer (FOO), TOW Under Armour (TUA) and an Engineer variant.
313 LAV Infantry Section Carriers
181 LAV Command Post variants
33 LAV TOW Under Armour (TUA) variants (Turret equipped with 2 TOW launchers)
47 LAV Forward Observation Officer (FOO) variants
44 LAV Engineer variants
33 Multi-Mission Effects Vehicle (MMEV)
25-mm stabilized M242 chain gun
7.62-mm stabilized coaxial machine gun (C6)
5.56 or 7.62-mm top-turret mounted machine gun
76-mm grenade launcher (2 clusters of 4 launchers)
Length: 6.98 m
Width: 2.7 m
Height: 2.8 m
Speed: 100 km/hr
Range: 450 km
Weight: 16 950 kg
Gradient: Maximum 60%
Side slope: Maximum 30%
Trench crossing: 2 m wide
Fording: Up to 1.2 m
Sights: Daytime optical, Thermal Imagery (TI), Generation III Image Intensification (II)
Spotlight: Maxa Beam, 6 million candle power, portable, with infra-red filter
Winch: Double Capstan constant pull winch
Engine: 350 hp Caterpillar diesel
Transmission: 6 forward gears, 1 reverse
Transfer case: 2 speed
Suspension: Hydropneumatic
Brakes: Power (air) with ABS
Wheels: 8 x 8 drive
Entered service: 1999
Number in service: 651

Canadian Forces LAV III