The new Canadian Disruptive Pattern (CADPAT™) uniform is now part of the Canadian Army's identity. This high-tech clothing gives Canadian soldiers a distinct edge in camouflage survivability. Two variations of the CADPAT™ uniform (pants and shirt) are now available for use by our troops. The first is Temperate Woodland or TW, which is primarily green, black, and brown in colour, and is designed for use in North America and Europe. Arid Regions or AR CADPAT™ is composed of three different colours of brown, and is primarily for use in desert regions.
CADPAT™ is a computer generated pattern incorporating sophisticated Near Infrared protection designed to conceal soldiers from image intensification devices (night vision). CADPAT™ (TW) is comprised of four specific colours of light green, dark green, brown and black and was first introduced in 1997/98 on the helmet cover for the new helmet then coming into service. At the same time, the pattern was also introduced on a new Soldier's Individual Camouflage Net.
Before being approved, CADPAT™ items were subjected to extensive field testing by soldiers. These trials confirmed that the technologies involved in CADPAT™ are very effective in providing concealment. It is important to note, however, that although CADPAT™ is effective, Canadian soldiers do not rely on uniforms alone for their protection. All our troops learn to use every means available to camouflage and conceal themselves in different environments.
The patterns and technical data for CADPAT™ are patent and copyright protected by the Department of National Defence. A trademark for the name CADPAT™ has also been acquired.
The Department of National Defence closely controls CADPAT™ specifications. All companies that produce CADPAT™ uniforms and gear must sign non-disclosure agreements and closely control CADPAT™ samples and data.
Separate programs are underway to convert Army outerwear (jackets, boots, cold-weather pants) to the CADPAT™ pattern. First issues of these items will occur in 2003.
The CADPAT™ (TW) uniform was first worn in an operational theatre in September 2001 (Operation Palladium Rotation 09, Bosnia-Herzegovina).
Canadian Forces