The BV 206 is a special military vehicle designed for use as an all-terrain transport vehicle. It is capable of travel both on and off roads, under almost all conditions and in all climatic extremes. In particular, its large track area allows the vehicle to travel over deep snow and soft ground that would be impassable to almost all other tracked and wheeled vehicles. It is also amphibious, being propelled in the water by its four tracks.
The BV 206 consists of two track-driven cars that are coupled together by a central, articulated steering assembly. Steering is accomplished using hydraulic cylinders that turn the cars relative to each other. There are three main configurations including: personnel/cargo, command post, and anti-tank (equipped with TOW missiles).
Length: 6.86 m
Width: 1.85 m
Track width: 6.2 m
Height: 2.4 m
Payload: 1.9 t
Weight: 6.34 t
Engine: Mercedes-Benz
Transmission: Four speed automatic
Entered service: 1983-1985
Number in service: 78

Canadian Forces BV-206